Friday 7 September 2012

Dark knight Rises

The Dark Knight Rises 

This is most definitely a must see film of the year. The acting and depth the actors and actresses have to go through in order to capture the viewers attention is unbelievable. Tom hardy's performance as the terrorist bane; very interesting, dark personality with a case of total destruction. Batman still Bruce wayne faces new orders through his life and has to make dramatic changes.

Through the recent opening towards the film breaking news occured in America as an ex Medical student James  confessed to having killed people at the cinema. The interview is as if the joker had possesed his being for example he said "Did you see the movie?.... and he repeated " How does it end?"

We live in a world that can easily get corrupted and people can get duped into the wrong things for good actions. My dad always said on a film if they got cut or anything"Its not real just CGI or makeup" but this day and age. People are doing exactly what happens in films like for example "The texas chainsaw massacre" wasn't real but it was based off a true story of a cannibal Ed Gein.
The portrayal of Heath Leger's character The Joker in the 2009. The character mentions about his parents regularly fought and as he was only a child it was hard for him to even understand the complex nature of right or wrong. 
The film industry is a powerful way of depicting characters such as these people and even so if a child gets there hands on a film thats under there age range; there mninds will be soaked up with diffucult things in what they can do.


Friday 27 July 2012


What is Pacha promoting?
From my recent trip to Ibiza I was unsure of what this was promoting as there is a side of the partying aspect; noted which is insane I might add. The reason I wanted to use this display this message across as when I was departing back to England I notice a store that had a Pacha shop; same type of shop anywhere else in Ibiza but around the side of this shop was a picture of a little girl. This might sound strange but she had a small Pacha t-shirt on which i was confused about.

Here are children promoting this clothing 
The cause of this is very sketchy as it's a children's like pattern but behind the scenes, you would you reckon these are just a trendy new brand that's launch then you start to look around and notice; by far a greater different to children being innocent to a brand into promoting sex.


What are your opinions on this case?

Tuesday 29 May 2012

After Effects CS5

After Effects Tutorial

Today I have been looking into other ways of graphics and animation. From getting inspiration from "computer arts" magazine I am very eager to develop new skills in this programme.

Swinging Text (motion typography technique) Tutorial

This will be my first video Ive ever made in After effects. This will eventually go straight up on Youtube and from there on I will make more videos but on a higher level than this version. 

. Orientation 
all are the basics towards this programme 

This is it almost completed 

Screen shot indicating the keyframes and other key parts towards what is needed 

           This is the final outcome